Monday, July 28, 2008

Broke as a Joke!

I am feeling a little detached right now ... my home computer is down, hopefully not down for the count! Todd's friend is trying to fix it, which I am so hoping it's fixable. So, as if that's not bad enough, Todd & I got back from our little 'getaway' & my camera isn't working either! Are you kidding me?! We all know how these things happen in 3's, right? The last thing that makes me feel pretty detached is that I tweeked my knee right around the 4th of July & I haven't been able to run on it. I totally miss my theraputic run with my friend & I am getting impatient waiting for it to feel well enough to run on it ... I suppose I should be grateful that it's not broken :D


kathryn said...

I think it is the perfect time to switch over to chain smoking and drinking a lot of coffee to shed the pounds. We could do a lot of talking at Starbucks:)

just us said...

Hey that sounds fun. I'm down for Starbucks! AND remember. . .get the GOOD camera!!!

Kelly said...

Did someone say STARBUCKS? Count me in!